
To People That Want To Start TECH SECURITY But Are Afraid To Get Started

Overcoming Fears and Starting Your Journey in Tech Security: Tips and Resources for Beginners

Are you interested in tech security but feeling hesitant to get started? Perhaps you’re intimidated by the complex terminology or worried that you don’t have the necessary technical skills or resources.

Whatever the reason for your hesitation, know that you’re not alone.

Many people feel apprehensive about diving into the world of tech security, but the truth is that it doesn’t have to be a daunting task.

With the right mindset, resources, and guidance, anyone can start building the foundation for a career or hobby in tech security.

In this article, we’ll explore some tips and resources to help you overcome your fears and start your journey in tech security.



I’ve been in IT security for over 15 years and I still get asked this question all the time.

Many people wonder how to begin their journey in tech security. The truth is, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive equipment or software – there are plenty of accessible and affordable ways to get started. with good old-fashioned books and tutorials, but there are also some things we can do on our own that will help us build skills faster than anything else out there today.

Most people are afraid of getting started in tech security.

Most people are afraid of getting started in tech security.

Most people are afraid of getting started in tech security

They think that they need expensive equipment or fancy software, but they don’t.

Most people don’t know that they have to start by doing the basics.

Most people don’t know that they have to start by doing the basics.

Most people dont know that they have to start by doing the basics
Most people don’t know that they have to start by doing the basics.

Most people don’t know that they have to start by doing the basics. You need to learn the basics before you can move on to more advanced topics.

You need to learn the basics before you can start learning about tech security, hacking, or even just basic computer security in general.

The first step is always learning how computers work and what they’re capable of doing – this includes understanding how the software works and how it interacts with hardware (hardware being physical components like RAM).

After that, it’s time for some technical training; there are many options out there but most free resources are good enough if used correctly!

A lot of people think they need expensive equipment or fancy software, but they don’t.


A lot of people think they need expensive equipment or fancy software, but they don't.
A lot of people think they need expensive equipment or fancy software, but they don’t.

A lot of people think they need expensive equipment or fancy software, but they don’t.


There are plenty of ways to get started with tech security without having to buy anything at all.

You can do it as a side job, hobby, or full-time job if you want to.

The important thing is that you have a passion for protecting yourself and others online – not just the money involved with buying these tools (which will come in time).

You can get started with good old-fashioned books and tutorials.

When you’re ready to get started, there are a lot of great resources available. Books and tutorials are an excellent way to learn about tech security from experts.

The biggest advantage of books is that they can be written by people who know what they’re talking about and who have already made mistakes with their projects in the same area as yours!

Tutorials also provide valuable feedback on your work as well as tips on how to improve it further (which will come in handy later). The best part? They’re free!

You can do it as a side job or a hobby.

There are many ways to get started in Tech Security. You can do it as a side job or hobby, or you can just start with the intent of making money on the side and then expanding into full-time work.

You may also be thinking that you don’t have time for another hobby, but I’ll tell you right now: If it doesn’t take up more than 3 hours per week (and preferably less), then it doesn’t need to be a part of your life!

It’s really easy to get started in IT Security!

If you’re worried about starting IT security, don’t be! It’s really easy to get started. All you need is a computer with some software installed and a few basic skills in Microsoft Office or OpenOffice.

 You can start with books and tutorials from the internet, or do it as a side job or hobby when time allows.

If you’re interested in learning more about how people learn best then check out my post on How To Learn Anything.

It's really easy to get started in IT Security!
It’s really easy to get started in IT Security!


That’s it! We hope our tips helped you get started in your journey to becoming a tech security expert. If you have any questions about the process or your own experience, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you!

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