Tech Health

Mental Health Tech Companies

Revolutionizing Mental Health Treatment: A Look at Top Mental Health Tech Companies

Mental health has become an increasingly important topic in recent years, and with good reason. Mental illness affects millions of people worldwide and can have a significant impact on their quality of life. Fortunately, there has been a surge in mental health tech companies that aim to help those suffering from mental health issues. These

Mental Health
Mental Health

companies use innovative technologies to provide treatments and support that were previously unavailable. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular mental health tech companies and their products, giving you an insight into the potential they hold for those dealing with mental illness.


So, if you’re interested in learning more about how technology can help improve mental health, keep reading!


The mental health industry is booming. There are more treatment options than ever before, and the potential to help people who suffer from mental illness is massive. However, there hasn’t been enough research into how these new tech companies can help people with their symptoms. This post will go over some of the most popular ones out there so you can know what they do before diving in yourself!

Mental Health Tech Companies

Lumo Body

Lumo Body
Lumo Body

Lumo Body is a health tech company that helps people with mental health problems. The Lumo Body device is worn on the body and uses haptic feedback to help users manage their emotions, which can be useful for those who struggle with depression or anxiety.

The company says that it has helped over 200 patients in clinical trials, and it plans to launch its product commercially in 2019.


As the name implies, Thync is a wearable device that delivers tingling sensations to the head. It’s not exactly an invasive treatment like medication or therapy—instead, it uses electrical impulses in your brain and nervous system to help relieve stress and anxiety.


Thync works by stimulating cranial nerves II through V (also known as S-nociceptors) with low-voltage electrical pulses that produce localized muscle contractions in the scalp region where you wear it on your head. The sensation generated by these pulses is different from other forms of pain relief such as heat therapy or cold packs because they don’t cause any discomfort; instead, they provide temporary relief from symptoms like stress headaches or irritable bowel syndrome without requiring any injections into your body.*


Emotiv is a company that makes brain-computer interface technology. They have developed a series of devices, including the Epoc headset and the EPOC BrainSight, which are designed to help people with motor disabilities or mental health issues by giving them control over things like computer mice and keyboards.

Emotiv’s products have been used by people who have difficulty speaking because they can’t afford speech therapy or other forms of treatment for their communication difficulties.

The company was founded in 2001 by CEO and co-founder Patrick Steinhardt (who has since left the company) with his partner at the time, Dr. Alejandro Jodorowsky (the son of famed director Alejandro Jodorowsky).

EMOTIV white copy



NeuroSky is a company that makes brain-computer interfaces. Their products are used in research and development, healthcare, education, and other industries.

NeuroSky’s products include:

· The EEG headset (a wireless device that measures the electrical activity of the brain)

· The BodyMedia armband (a device that monitors heart rate, body temperature, and hydration level)



Medtronic is a medical device company that makes devices for physical therapy and other healthcare applications. The Maestro device is one of their most popular products, which can be used to treat depression and anxiety by measuring brain activity using sensors. Wearables are similar to smartwatches or fitness trackers in that they’re worn on the body (or sometimes connected via Bluetooth) and track various aspects of health such as heart rate, steps taken/lapsed time during exercise sessions, etc., often with an app installed on them so you can view your data in real-time while working out or even just sitting down at home doing things like cooking dinner with your family!

Medtronic/Maestro/Wearables have been working together since 2016 when they started collaborating on research projects related

These companies are working to help people who suffer from mental health problems.

These companies are working to help people who suffer from mental health problems. They are trying to help people who have mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, or they may be offering support groups for those dealing with loneliness or loneliness due to other circumstances.

Many of these services also offer free counseling if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your issues.

Revolutionizing Mental Health Treatment
Revolutionizing Mental Health Treatment


The companies that we’ve highlighted are all working to create technology that will revolutionize mental health treatments and improve the lives of people who suffer from these conditions. It’s still early in the game, so we don’t yet know which approach will win out or how effective these devices will be, but they do have the potential to change our lives by helping those suffering from painful mood disorders get control over their emotions again.


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